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Struggling with doubt and fear?
Work causing you extra stress?
figure out your next step without letting fear stop you! 

Book your free introductory call today!

How we help you


The Dream Incentive is committed to helping creative over-thinkers get out of survival mode and act authentically to achieve the life, career, or business of their dreams.


Get to know your strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and blocks, to address your limitations and gain support to create and execute an effective life strategy. Ensure that the parts of yourself you neglect get the attention they deserve! 


If you're tired of letting distractions, fear and circumstances keep you from becoming the best version of yourself, sign up now to GET THIS WORK and live your deepest dreams.

Life Transitions

  • Are you overthinking a major life transition?

  • Are you unclear about what’s next?

  • Do you feel fearful, uncertain, and alone?

  • Are you questioning who you are and what you want in the next chapter of your life?

  • Do you lack the support of people who truly understand what you’re going through and how to support you?


I can help you sort through what you want out of the next chapter of life and push forward with clarity and confidence! Stop overthinking today!

Book your Free Introductory Session Now!

Support Group

Queer Professionals

Not showing up confidently?
Afraid to act with authority? 
Missing opportunities thinking they're obstacles?

Lack of organizational skills?
Unable to pivot powerfully

Expecting Couple

People of Color in Transition

Lost your job or changing careers?
Lost or losing a loved one?
Challenges in your relationship?
Lack of confidence?
Fear of becoming a leader?

Becoming a parent?

Painting on a Huge Canvas


Inability to move through doubt and fear?
Blocks keeping you stuck?
Inability to make your dream a business?
Lack of organization and time management?
Fear of selling your service?
Lack of self-belief?


At work


Trouble going from employee to business owner?
Missing out on time with friends and family?
Stuck in a challenging road block?
Lack of self-confidence?

Fear of networking and public speaking?
Unsure of what's next?

Navigating in Woods

Choose Your Path

Fresh Start

Every person has the potential to achieve their dreams and live a fulfilling life. With our individual life coaching sessions, we help you build your own path to success. Our coaches work with you to develop a personalized plan that fits your budget and schedule, so you can make the most of your time and resources.

Jump Start

The Jump Start program is a 12-week intensive life coaching offering that will help you confidently confront your barriers and set a roadmap for success. Through personalized coaching and proven techniques, we will work together to identify your strengths, create a SMART plan, and overcome any obstacles in your way. Whether you're seeking career advancement or personal growth, this program will help you jump into your next chapter with confidence.


Creating Banners

Dreams are seeds planted within us by source. Ignoring them diminishes our purpose of being. Give yourself an incentive to live your deepest dreams.

- Joshua Warren, CLC, MHA


Get in Touch

PO Box 10162

Merrillville, IN 46410


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